en English

Month: December 2021

Collagen powder
Product Information
Kevin Zhang

Production process of bovine collagen

Collagen is a white, opaque, unbranched fibrous protein, mainly found in animal skin, bone, cartilage, and other tissues. Collagen is an essential structural protein of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. It accounts for 25-30% of total protein in the body, equivalent to 6% of body weight.

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Product Information
Kevin Zhang

Application of collagen in 4 kinds of food fields

Collagen has been studied and applied more and more widely because of its unique physical and chemical properties, excellent biocompatibility, rich nutritional value, and active functions, especially in food.

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Product Information
Kevin Zhang

Why not collagen peptides?

Why do we need collagen peptides? If you eat trotters or other animal collagen directly, the absorption efficiency of collagen is very low.

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